David Maule "Inventions that Changed the World"

David Maule "Inventions that Changed the World"

David Maule "Inventions that Changed the World"


David Maule

Inventors are special people. They see everyday objects and imagine something better. They solve old problems with new ideas. Their inventions can help people or destroy them, but only the greatest ideas will change the world. This book will tell you about many of the most interesting and important inventions, from 2,500 years ago to the present day.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 1,700. Total words: about 15,840
Hard words: accountant, automobile, branch, capital, compete, consultant, contract, corporation, create, deal, downmarket, expand, finances, finances, hearing aid, huge, ignore, image, industry, investment company, leadership, loss, management consultant, manufacturing, negotiate, objective, objectives, obvious, partnership, pressure, profit, publish, replace, risk, sack, share, steel works, stock exchange, superstar, ton, tough, truth, united, upmarket, wind, worth



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