Piers Plowright "The Smuggler"

Piers Plowright "The Smuggler"

Piers Plowright "The Smuggler"


Piers Plowright

When you drive from one country to another, you have to cross a frontier. The frontier is the place where two countries meet.

At the frontier you have to show your passport and go through customs. There are many things which you cannot take from one country to another without paying money. The people who work in customs are called customs officers. Their job is to stop people taking things into their country without paying money. The customs officers ask you, 'Have you anything to declare?' And then you must tell them if you have anything for which you should pay money.

Some people try to take things across frontiers without paying money. Such people are called smugglers. A smuggler can make a lot of money by smuggling things into another country and selling them there.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 1,600. Total words: 15,380
Hard words: gang, sweat, boot of a car, appointment, accelerate, roar forward, roar away, shadow, boss, hide-out, job, horn, suspiciously, reception, hostage, cellar, lose one’s temper, police headquarters, evidence, quarry, secondhand



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