E. M. Forster "A Room with a View"

E. M. Forster "A Room with a View"

E. M. Forster "A Room with a View"


E. M. Forster

‘A Room with a View’ is set at the beginning of the twentieth century. Lucy Honeychurch is a young English woman on holiday in Italy with her older cousin, Charlotte Bartlett, who is acting as her chaperone. They are staying in Florence at an Italian pension for British guests, but are disappointed with the poor view from their windows. While they are discussing their misfortune, they are interrupted by a guest at another table, an Englishman called Mr Emerson, who has heard their conversation. He and his son, George, are both in rooms that offer beautiful views of Florence, but Mr Emerson offers to exchange rooms with the two unhappy ladies. At first, Charlotte refuses. This is partly because she does not want to accept a favour from anybody, but it is also because Mr Emerson and his son come from a lower social background. Eventually, however, she changes her mind about Mr Emerson s offer.

Over the next few days, Lucy develops a strange liking for the Emersons, who are considered socially unacceptable by the other guests. After a number of adventures, Lucy realises with horror that George is in love with her. But even more worrying and confusing for her is the fact that she feels mysteriously attracted to him. Lucy returns to England and her familiar world of tennis and tea parties. She becomes engaged to the intellectual, socially well-connected Cecil Vyse, which pleases her mother. But her experience in Italy has changed her. It has opened doors to new possibilities, and somewhere deep inside her she cannot forget George Emerson...

‘A Room with a View’ may paint an interesting picture of a world that disappeared many years ago, but its emotional drama is still very powerful. Lucy’s struggle to make sense of her feelings towards the two very different men in her life is as relevant now as it was a century ago. The director James Ivory made a famous film of the story for the cinema in 1986.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 3,000. Total words: about 30,880
Hard words: bachelor, baptize, cab, cad, chaperone, clergyman, conventional, despise, embrace, exclaim, fate, Fiesole, gratitude, maid, muddle, murmur, nude, outing, passion, pension, porter, respectable, sermon, sigh, Signora, tactful, tolerate, tram, vicar, villa, violent, wince



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