Thomas Keneally "Schindler`s List"

Thomas Keneally "Schindler`s List"

Thomas Keneally "Schindler`s List"


Thomas Keneally

Schindler’s List is an accurate, frightening history of what happened to real people in German-occupied territories between 1939 and 1945. It is, however, also a story of hope: a true story of how goodness can grow even in the most unlikely circumstances and become a positive example of heroism and courage for us all. The story of Schindler’s List is set mainly in Krakow, where the Nazis created one of five big Jewish ghettos during their occupation of Poland. Jewish people were divided into two groups: ‘able workers’ who could be usefully employed to help the Germans in their war efforts, and those who would be killed immediately in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Belzec and other concentration camps. The story follows the history of the Jewish ghetto, from its creation in March 1941 until the final ‘removal’ of the Jews two years later. Over a two-day period in March 1943, under the command of Commandant Amon Goeth, 8,000 Jews were transferred to the labour camp at Plaszow, and 2,000 more Jews were killed in the streets of the ghetto. The rest were sent to die in Auschwitz.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 3,000 Total words: about 33,500
Hard words: Aktion, bankrupt, barracks, binoculars, black market, boxcar, chamber, gas chamber, chess, colonel, commandant, concentration camp, crematorium, disinfect, Frau, empire, enamelware, extinction, Gestapo, ghetto, Herr, Himmler, hinge, invade, liberation, louse, nation, Nazi Party, passion, rabbi, rations, sentence, sociable, SS, swastika, synagogue, Talmud, tattoo, Third Reich, typhoid, Judenrat



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