Colin Dexter "The Dead of Jericho"

Colin Dexter "The Dead of Jericho"

Colin Dexter "The Dead of Jericho"


Colin Dexter

Chief Inspector Morse is a very clever man. He likes using his brain; that’s why he is a detective. But he has three weaknesses: beer, women, and Mozart. He can’t say ‘no’ to any of them. As a result he doesn’t always do the things policemen ought to do - and he does many things that policemen ought not to do. In fact, he behaves very much like an ordinary person, like you or me.

This is what makes Morse so special. A detective needs to understand people, and Morse does understand people because he enjoys the same pleasures and he suffers the same pains. He is clever, but he is human. He is strong, but he is weak - and his weaknesses are the same as ours. He represents a very human kind of justice. He does not take revenge; he listens, and understands, and docs what must be done.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 1,800. Total words: about 24,010
Hard words: account, admit, affair, alibi, alphabetical, attractive, bare, bear, blackmail, bet, binoculars, blonde, bloody, brain, bridge, call, case, chairman, classical, constable, convince, darling, exams, examination, fair, fate, fine, fingerprint, fishing rod, fold, gown, hang, hell, inquest, interrupt, laboratory, locksmith, odd job, parking ticket, poetry, pregnant, professor, promotion, publishing, Reach, recover, representative, sergeant, sex, shed, siren, slim, spell, statement, suicide



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