Raymond Chandler "The Lady in the Lake"

Raymond Chandler "The Lady in the Lake"

Raymond Chandler "The Lady in the Lake"


Raymond Chandler

Derace Kingsley’s wife, Crystal, left Los Angeles and went to their second house in the mountains for a week or two. But she didn’t come back. Now Philip Marlowe, a Los Angeles detective, is looking for her. Did she go to El Paso with her lover or is she dead? Did her lover kill her? Is she the lady in the lake? Or is that another woman, Muriel Chess? Marlowe has to find answers - and quickly. Because there is a murderer in Los Angeles, and Marlowe is finding too many dead bodies.


Text Analysis: Unique words: about 600 Total words: about 7,720
Hard words: ago, body, cover-up, drug, just, lady, lake, luck, murder, must, nurse, pretend, private, scarf, shoot, suicide, throat, together, trouble, whisky



Hits: 1021

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